Uncategorized May 10, 2023

The Impact of Inflation on Mortgage Rates

The Impact of Inflation on Mortgage Rates

If you’re reading headlines about inflation or mortgage rates, you may see something about the recent decision from the Federal Reserve (the Fed). But what does it mean for you, the housing market, and your plans to buy a home? Here’s what you need to know.

Inflation and the Housing Market

While the Fed’s working hard to lower inflation, the latest data shows that, while the number has improved some, the inflation rate is still higher than the target (2%). That played a role in the Fed’s decision to raise the Federal Funds Rate last week. As Bankrate explains:

Keeping its inflation-fighting streak alive, the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates for the 10th time in 10 meetings . . . The hikes aimed to cool an economy that was on fire after rebounding from the coronavirus recession of 2020.”

While the Fed’s actions don’t directly dictate what happens with mortgage rates, their decisions do have an impact and contributed to the intentional cooldown in the housing market last year.

How This Impacts You

During times of high inflation, your everyday expenses go up. That means you’ve likely felt the pinch at the gas pump and in the grocery store. By raising the Federal Funds Rate, the Fed is actively trying to lower inflation. If the Fed is successful, it could also ultimately lead to lower mortgage rates and better homebuying affordability for you. That’s because when inflation is high, mortgage rates tend to be high. But, as inflation cools, experts say mortgage rates will likely fall.

Where Experts Think Mortgage Rates and Inflation Will Go from Here

Moving forward, both inflation and mortgage rates will continue to impact the housing market. And as Lawrence Yun, Chief Economist at the National Association of Realtors (NAR), says:

Mortgage rates are likely to descend lower later in the year as the consumer price inflation calms down . . .” 

Mike Fratantoni, Chief Economist at the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), explains:

“We continue to expect that mortgage rates will drift down over the course of the year as the economy slows . . .”

While there’s no way to say with certainty where mortgage rates will go from here, the experts think mortgage rates will trend down this year if inflation comes down too. To stay informed on the latest insights, connect with a trusted real estate advisor. They keep their pulse on what’s happening today and help you understand what the experts are projecting and how it could impact your homeownership plans.

Bottom Line

Don’t let headlines about the latest decision from the Fed confuse you. Where mortgage rates go from here depends on what happens with inflation. If inflation cools, mortgage rates should tick down as a result. Let’s connect so you have expert insights on housing market changes and what they mean for you.

For BuyersFor SellersForeclosuresHousing Market Updates May 9, 2023

Why Today’s Housing Market Is Not About To Crash

Why Today’s Housing Market Is Not About To Crash Simplifying The Market

There’s been some concern lately that the housing market is headed for a crash. And given some of the affordability challenges in the housing market, along with a lot of recession talk in the media, it’s easy enough to understand why that worry has come up.

But the data clearly shows today’s market is very different than it was before the housing crash in 2008. Rest assured, this isn’t a repeat of what happened back then. Here’s why.

It’s Harder To Get a Loan Now

It was much easier to get a home loan during the lead-up to the 2008 housing crisis than it is today. Back then, banks had different lending standards, making it easy for just about anyone to qualify for a home loan or refinance an existing one. As a result, lending institutions took on much greater risk in both the person and the mortgage products offered. That led to mass defaults, foreclosures, and falling prices.

Things are different today as purchasers face increasingly higher standards from mortgage companies. The graph below uses data from the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) to show this difference. The lower the number, the harder it is to get a mortgage. The higher the number, the easier it is.

Unemployment Recovered Faster This Time

While the pandemic caused unemployment to spike over the last couple of years, the jobless rate has already recovered back to pre-pandemic levels (see the blue line in the graph below). Things were different during the Great Recession as a large number of people stayed unemployed for a much longer period of time (see the red in the graph below):

Here’s how the quick job recovery this time helps the housing market. Because so many people are employed today, there’s less risk of homeowners facing hardship and defaulting on their loans. This helps put today’s housing market on stronger footing and reduces the risk of more foreclosures coming onto the market.

There Are Far Fewer Homes for Sale Today

There were also too many homes for sale during the housing crisis (many of which were short sales and foreclosures), and that caused prices to fall dramatically. Today, there’s a shortage of inventory available overall, primarily due to years of underbuilding homes.

The graph below uses data from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) and the Federal Reserve to show how the months’ supply of homes available now compares to the crash. Today, unsold inventory sits at just a 2.6-months’ supply. There just isn’t enough inventory on the market for home prices to come crashing down like they did in 2008.

Equity Levels Are Near Record Highs

That low inventory of homes for sale helped keep upward pressure on home prices over the course of the pandemic. As a result, homeowners today have near-record amounts of equity (see graph below):

And, that equity puts them in a much stronger position compared to the Great Recession. Molly Boesel, Principal Economist at CoreLogic, explains:

Most homeowners are well positioned to weather a shallow recession. More than a decade of home price increases has given homeowners record amounts of equity, which protects them from foreclosure should they fall behind on their mortgage payments.”

Bottom Line

The graphs above should ease any fears you may have that today’s housing market is headed for a crash. The most current data clearly shows that today’s market is nothing like it was last time.

DisclosureFlorence SC Real Estate February 19, 2023

Buyer Representation: What Homebuyers Should Know About Agency, Loyalty & Shared Expectations

Thinking of buying a home in Florence, South Carolina?  If you’re searching for a real estate agent, according to REBAC, you should take time to discuss shared expectations at the beginning of your relationship.  It’s the surest way to avoid misunderstandings and form a strong partnership — one that allows your buyer’s rep to serve you to their highest ability and helps you achieve the best results in your home purchase.


Florence SC Real Estate February 19, 2023

Homebuyer Love Letters

Florence SC Real Estate February 18, 2023

5 FAQs About Closing

DisclosureFlorence SC Real EstateSouth Carolina February 18, 2023

Agency Disclosure

SC Real Estate law requires that real estate agents and brokers provide you with this form, which discloses the options for agency relationships offered by their firm.  Don’t be surprised if your agent asks you to sign this form before showing you any homes.  This form is not a contract, just a formal disclosure.  You may also see a copy on the SC Real Estate Commission website:



Florence South CarolinaRental Application Procedures January 13, 2023

Why Do Landlords Want to Check My Criminal Background?

Why Do Landlords Want to Check My Criminal Background?


A clean background is a generally a good sign that an applicant can be trusted with the home and the neighborhood.

It is important to note that landlords may be liable if they skip a background check and something goes wrong.

According to NOLO.com, landlords can incur stiff fines, criminal penalties, and lawsuits for allowing illegal activity in their rental property.  In extreme cases, the presence of drug dealers may result in government confiscation of the rental property.

Screening out violent or dangerous criminals is just one step to limit liability and risk for the homeowner.

As a safety precaution, it is important to screen everyone that will be living in the home, not just the primary applicant.


Florence South CarolinaPet Friendly RentalsRental Application ProceduresSCSouth Carolina January 12, 2023

Pet Policy for Renting a Home or Apartment with ERA Leatherman Realty, Inc.







Our rental homes and apartments are owned by individuals, not by ERA Leatherman Realty. Each individual home owner decides whether they will allow a pet in their home or not.


Pet fees and restrictions apply. All pets must be registered at https://eraleatherman.petscreening.com/.


Typical Pet move-in fee: $250.


Unfortunately, due to insurance requirements we do not allow the following breeds: Akita, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Wolf Dog, Bullmastiff, Doberman, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, German Shepherd, Pit Bull, Presa Canario, Rottweiler, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Tosa Inu, Wolf, and Wolf Dog Mix, Belgian Malinois.


Having an unauthorized pet can result in fines and/or eviction.


Renter’s insurance is required and must provide pet coverage for both physical damage and dog bite liability.

Uncategorized September 22, 2022

McCalman to Attend SCR Leadership Academy in 2023

32 applicants from around the state applied for the opportunity to join the 2023 SCR Leadership Academy.  15 were selected to participate.   ERA Leatherman Realty was fortunate to have two of the fifteen selected –  Amy McCalman and Vonda Sellers Ford.  Congratulations Amy & Vonda!  Vonda was among the 4 participants selected to receive a scholarship to attend.  Way to go Vonda!!


Uncategorized September 14, 2022

Coming Up in October